The 5 Keys To Building Wealth

Rising costs of living have become a serious problem all over the world. The whirlpool of housing, food, transportation, child care, cell phone, and medical expenses has made us feel insecure that whether we shall ever be able to save for the time to come, and that we shall be able to build wealth. This insecurity should not leave you stressed or overcome by negative thoughts; rather, it should boost you up to adopt some practical measures that can help you in wealth building. And one thing to remember is that wealth building doesn’t mean the capacity of having expensive cars in your garage, or having a luxurious trip around Europe; it means that you have enough resources, that you don’t have to worry about paying your bills, and the fees of your children, and that you have something to take to in bad time or after retirement. But how to build wealth when you are hardly making both ends meet and think that you will never be able to do this? Here are the 5 keys to building wealth that will surely improve your financial life.

The first and the foremost thing to act upon to start your journey of wealth building is saving money. Make it a habit that you will not waste your money on the things you don’t need. Don’t rush to the market as soon as you get your salary to get things more than you need. Pass some time thinking and carefully making a priority list of the essentials. Use your common sense before buying anything. Always go for the value of the thing you want to buy, and not the price label attached to it. Take a decision about how much money you are going to save every month. Don’t wait for the next month. Start doing it now. It’s never too late to do anything in your life. This is the first step towards how to become wealthy.

Never rely on a single source of income. Try to have multiple flows of income if you really want to know the secret of how to build wealth. For example, if you have a job and you are getting all of your expenditures out of it, don’t stick to the job only. If you have saved some money, invest it, and invest it wisely. If you are a businessperson and you have already invested in one business, you must try to create multiple investments. If you invest in more than one business, the chances of your growth are making a profit are much bigger. You must have heard that we should not have all our eggs in one basket because the situation can get hard if the basket falls down. So never take the risk of relying on only one source of income. This is the secret of how to become wealthy.

Our biggest investment can be our mind, and it can help us in building wealth if we hone our skills and apply them properly. For this, we have to educate our mind to the maximum of its potential, and we have to educate our mind regularly. You may have noticed that the wealthiest of the world have a habit of reading and learning more and more about what they are doing. Similarly, you must know the fact that the human mind has the capability of learning multiple skills. Once you learn a skill, it can become a lifetime investment for you. Therefore, it is recommended that you use your mind to learn unique skills and use those skills for wealth building. Your mind has the potential to give you the financial freedom you always longed for.

We have always been told since our childhood that time is money, and, in fact, it is. Always invest your time the way you invest your money. Keep in mind that you waste your money when you waste your time. Be careful about avoiding the tasks that don’t produce money. And be ambitious about how much money you can earn with each hour. Try to synchronize your time with the purpose of wealth building. Wake up early because the early birds do get the worm. An early riser is happier, healthier, and wealthier. So, an astute application of time is very crucial in wealth building.

Setting your goals for what you want to achieve in a particular period is very important when you think about how to build wealth. Your mind remains disoriented until you set your goals. Once you make a goal, your mind behaves in particular ways to achieve it. So if you wish to build money, make it your goal. And when you are making goals, make the big ones. When you set bigger and challenging goals ahead, there are more chances that you will grow as compared to when you make small goals. So, if you are really serious about how to become wealthy, start setting your goals and leave no stone unturned to achieve them.

To be well on the way to building wealth, one must practice optimism. Optimism has a great bearing on our success. Optimism is somehow related to risk-taking also, as it related to our overall health and longevity. Although hard work is essential to wealth building, it doesn’t mean that you have to keep your nose to the grindstone. You must be ready to risk your job in favor of starting your own business. Beware of optimism bias as it can lead to foolish decisions. Don’t think of yourself as above average and take wise decisions after the advice of a learned counsel. Don’t ignore the value of advice when you want to learn how to become wealthy in your life.

The last important thing to keep in mind is that you should have no plan to retire at 60. There are no limits to time and age when you are doing well with your business. Always do what you enjoy doing, and do it until you enjoy it. This is the most interesting way to building wealth.


-Brian Iwuh-